Friday 22 November 2013

The Islamic Spiritual Path

The Two Dimensions of Islam

Islam is composed of two different dimensions.
The outer and the inner
The external and the internal
The form and the essence
The apparent and the spirit

Why is this important? Why do we need to know that there are these two different dimensions of Islam? What can it cost us if we fail to understand these two different dimensions?
One example of its importance can be found in the story of Iblis (Satan) – Iblis excelled in external practice. There is not a space in the world where he has not done sajdah. (Prostrated to God)  His physical Ibadah was untouchable. His core and fundamental mistake was that he had no internal development. He failed to serve the Lord internally.

Form does not constitute essence. This is the most critical mistake we make as Muslims nowadays.  Carrying out only the physical obligations does not constitute the spiritual state which is our ultimate goal.
External submitting means to adhere to Shariah; to pray, to fast and to do all of our normal obligations in order to carry out the external dimension of Islam.  How do we apply Islam internally in addition to the external dimension?

One critical mistake we often make is linking piety with the forms. If a Muslim is praying, wearing a hijab, growing a beard, dressing Islamically or reading the Quran – we equate these external forms with piety. The critical mistake we make is equating the essence with the form. And they are not often the same.

The reality of Islam is when it’s applied to both dimensions. Physically as well as spiritually. Externally as well as internally. The internal state is what is the most important. That is essential.  We can have the forms and in reality the forms are meant to give expression they’re meant to give form, they are meant to emerge from the inner state of Islam and to give us a way to communicate and express the internal dimension of Islam, but they cannot replace the internal dimension of Islam.

They cannot replace internal surrender.  One example being Salah (Prayer). The body goes through different motions when praying. The final point being a physical act of surrendering when the forehead is touching the ground.  But how do we feel inside?

Salah (Prayer) gains its power and meaning when the heart and soul is in a state of Islam. That is the perfection of the Islamic spiritual path and the perfection of Islam.
Over the last few decades Islam has become politicised due to the varying conflicts of the modern world whereas in history the spiritual path was always adhered to. Islam has lost its spirituality and therefore lost its soul.

What we've ended up with and few people are actually admitting it is the second age of ignorance. An age of total ignorance of what Islam truly is. We've lost the meaning and purpose of Islam. Even though we go through the forms and we talk about Islam, the results are very clear. Islam is not doing well on the superficial level in the world today and we see this horrible image portrayed of Islam and we have no one to blame but ourselves.

If MUSLIMS truly understood Islam and if we truly practised it in the way that it was meant to be practised we would have much better results.  Allah swt says “I do not change the condition of a people until they change it themselves”.

It is up to us to carry the true banner of Islam towards peace and enlightenment as it was meant to be carried. Muhammad (pbuh) said “there will come a day where nothing remains of Islam but its name.”
We are very likely in that day now. Where we talk about Islam and we hear about Islam but nobody understands the REALITY of Islam.

What is the reality of the Islamic spiritual path? Is it just a formal religion? Is it just this external code of conduct? Or is there something more to it? Is it an authentic path to enlightenment?  A real path to divine peace. To Human excellence. Is it a path to progress?  Are we as Muslims demonstrating that? This lack of understanding, this loss of understanding, now necessitates a second age of enlightenment, a second Islamic golden age and it’s on the horizon. I believe that we are beginning to wake up and we’re beginning to realise what Islam truly is, and we’re beginning to go back to its spiritual root, to its spiritual core and its essence. There is nothing more necessary now than a rediscovery of Islamic spirituality.

Let’s review what we have covered thus far. Islam is a gift, it is a divine gift from God.  And it was given to us for our benefit, you see Allah (swt) does not need anything from us, He doesn't need our worship, He doesn't need anything we can possibly offer or do, and He gave us Islam as a gift for US. And if we truly understand it and if we practice it properly, it begins to change every aspect of our lives, our spiritual lives as well as our practical lives. We can achieve a complete balanced experience of life through the Islamic spiritual path.

Adapted from the works of Brother Ihsan Torabi.
Full access to his works can be found here:
To see Brother Ihsan talk about this topic in detail himself please visit here:

May Allah bless his family and his loved ones for all his hard work and may we all wake up to an age of enlightenment.

Sunday 17 November 2013



Through my art I hope to find
A place beyond this world of mine
The camera lens
The ink and pen
Will illustrate just
Who we are

The sweat that drips
Upon the steel
Bodies carved
For us to feel
Alive again
We burn like stars
A light in the dark
Between Venus and Mars

The Lost Diaries Part 5

Self Fulfilling Prophecy

It's a sad sad world that we’re living in
People around us consumed by their own sin
The strong eat the weak and the weak feed the strong
No wonder why all can’t get along

Brutal violence has poisoned our streets
And the drugs and guns and knives are there to feed 
This social image that the media believes in
And forcefully controls our minds to perceive 

Ourselves as gangsters
Ourselves as outcasts

And so the teachers too will point in the class
“You’ll be a lawyer, you’ll be a nun!”
“If you study hard boy you’ll be a rich business man”
“But you there lad, here take this gun”
“You’ll be the mistake that society learns to run from”

“And you there coloured boy, put down that book!”
“And pick up the trash and throw away your looks”
“For you will have no brain so put that in the bin too
And give up on school ‘cos I will give up on you”

And thus are born the children of the system
One with a degree
And the other with his fist on
The faces of our mothers and fathers in anger
For no one believed that he could do it so he gave up
And when the system lets you down
The streets will pick you up
The devil in your ear will give you want you want

A life of hatred and a life of crime
A life of fast money, drugs and grime
And before you know it you come across him
A man of the system now his soul lost within 

The city and his briefcase, his wallet and money
And you stare at his wealth 
He looks upon you funny
And doesn’t recognise you from the teachers class
Because he learned to step over you like broken glass

And so you pick up the shards that tore you apart
And put 1, 2 3 of them straight through his heart
For you yearned to be noticed and you yearned to shine
And now forever you will spend the rest of your time

In the darkest cells
The systems hell
To try and correct you to act real well

But if it weren’t for that self fulfilling prophecy
You could have held that brief case and smelt that money
But instead society turned its back on you
And the devil became your best friend too

So now it’s a sad sad world that you’re living in
Stuck in a hole, consumed by your sin
The strong eat the weak, but the weak poison the strong
No wonder why we all can’t get along.

The Lost Diaries Part 4

The Valley Of Pain

Through the valley of pain
My soul is in deep slumber
Yet my body writhes from the constant torture
A disease
A mind crippling disease.
That causes the body to suffer without ease.
Hairs turn white.
Eyes turn dark.
Nights become sleepless.
The days fly by without knowing what to keep holding on to.

The Lost Diaries Part 3


There are some matters that I need to get off my chest
In order to positively reinforce this stress
Without the blessings
The devil is taking the best of me
And riding me down the river of sin
Since adolescence 
Aint no second guessing
That these matters that are on my chest
Started in my chest
With feelings such as love
Then jealousy
But I digress
From the point at hand
And that is mentally and physically
I'm fading like the desert sand

The Lost Diaries Part 2

As I Lay Down My Head

As I lay down my head
I become lost in you
Become lost in this worship
I escape to my home
A moment of reality 
As I bow to my Lord
Hope that one day we can be 
Reunited for now
And forever more 

The Lost Diaries Part 1


The lost diaries are a set of incomplete poems that are yet to be published. 
They are words in its raw form, inspiration taken from dreams or the notepad I keep by my bed to write a few words when I wake during the night. These are unedited and not worked with due to lack of time or dying inspiration.

The ground was shaking
The wind was roaring
Snow fell so heavy
On a cold winters night
Explosions explosions
The helicopters flew right by
The planes were shot right to the ground
The war was over by the afternoon
The sky torn in two
As the sun began to rise from the other side.

Thursday 14 November 2013

Love Love Life

Keep your head up

Your presence is a present to the world.
You’re unique and one of a kind.
Your life can be what you want it to be.
Take the days just one at a time.

Don’t put limits on yourself.
So many dreams are waiting to be realized.
Decisions are too important to leave to chance.
Reach for your peak, your goal, your prize.

Nothing wastes more energy than worrying.
The longer one carries a problem, the heavier it gets.
Don’t take things too seriously.
Live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets.

Count your blessings, not your troubles.
You’ll make it through whatever comes along.
Within you are so many answers.
Understand, have courage, be strong.

Douglas Pagels