Friday, 30 May 2014

Tree Tales

Tree Tales

The trees have secret meetings
In the middle of the night
They whisper tales
From leaf to leaf
Till the break of light

They talk about the things they've seen
And the stories they've learned
There's a tale for all of us
Many left untold
Many unheard.

Listen close
To the mumbles of the branches
For learned men know
The lesson between these mystic trances

Keep your ear close
As the roots begin to weep
A story told for you
And a story told for me.

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Green And Gold

Green & Gold

Many moons ago
The sun shone through the cracks
And caused the moon to glow
Split in the sky into 24
The galaxies began to fall
Into the Earth's atmosphere
A father's love has no fear
I sat with her and watched it all
In awe
The gold and green
Filled my eyes
A baby girl
Sat in surprise
The mum is worried but the sky
Has so much more to give her eyes
A lifetime went by
In only 6 minutes
How time is irrelevant to the wondering soul
It's spirit cast between both
It's destination and departure the same place we call home
And as the nebulae spill across
The world up above
This tapestry of love
Is bursting at the seams
It falls it falls
The stars drip onto me
The gold and green
It's so serene

This 6 minute dream

Monday, 19 May 2014

The Flower & The Bee

The Flower & The Bee

Spring comes around
The flower blooms
It's smell fills the air
The sweetness spreads
The bees appear 
And begin to take what’s theirs
In order for them to survive this year

For without the blossoming flower
These bees will have no purpose
And without purpose these bees
Have no reason for existence

So while the bee depends on the flowers growth
For its personal growth
The flower lets the bee take all
The sweetness that it knows

Until there’s nothing left
And the flower has given all that it can give
The bee no longer returns
After taking what it can get

The flower is left
With no regrets
No bad feelings of remorse
For without its existence
The bees around it 
Could no longer be born

And as the year goes by
The seasons change
The flower falls and dies
Until next year when spring comes again
It lays and rests its eyes

But God is merciful 
And restores hearts
To the way they’re supposed to be
So the next year the flower is fully restored
With the love and sweetness
For the bee

So when people come into your life
And take all they can get
Don’t let it get you down or upset
Don’t let your petals
Fill with tears and get wet

Instead wait for the season to pass
And the cycle to renew
Have patience for 
The sweetness that God has put in you
Is a mercy 
For all those you endue

Tuesday, 6 May 2014


Rivulets of light 
Through British cities 
I miss the smell of the morning
On the northern air

A southern boy
Spent all my life
Surrounded by the Queens English 
But there was something about
The tone of voice 
That captivated my heart and mind

A town of sin
Yet deep within
I found a beauty therein 
Of an everlasting kind

Of pure bliss
A summers day was so rare that 
When it came 
We appreciated it more 

Sunday, 4 May 2014

The Opening

The Opening

You took the time 
To create these eyes
So I could see this
World around me

You took the time to weave 
My hair
So it flows in the wind
That you embrace me with

You took the time 
To create this smile
So I could laugh
And be a mercy to mankind

You took the time
To breathe ever flowing life
Into these little 
Lungs of mine

Out of all the souls in existence
You took the time 
To make mine

I have never felt
Such love and appreciation
For the One who created
This little heart of mine

Because while the world
Abandoned me
You took the time 
To embrace me quietly

Take my hand
And lead me back home
To the Promised Land

Where you took the time
The care, love and devotion
To create this soul of mine

I owe this life
To the Most Sublime
Allah and the 99
Names for the Most High

The Lord of the Worlds
The only One worthy of worship
I seek your companionship

To be close to You
Is all I need
To find immortal life
And be ever free.

Bismillaah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem

Al hamdu lillaahi rabbil ‘alameen

Ar-Rahman ar-Raheem Maaliki yaumid Deen

Iyyaaka na’abudu wa iyyaaka nasta’een

Ihdinas siraatal mustaqeem

Siraatal ladheena an ‘amta’ alaihim

Ghairil maghduubi’ alaihim waladaaleen


In the name of Allah, the infinitely Compassionate and Merciful.
Praise be to Allah, Lord of all the worlds.

The Compassionate, the Merciful. Ruler on the Day of Reckoning.

You alone do we worship, and You alone do we ask for help.

Guide us on the straight path,
the path of those who have received your grace;
not the path of those who have brought down wrath, nor of those who wander astray.


Thursday, 1 May 2014



You didn’t ask for much
Except my belief in You
You observed and watched
All those times I disobeyed You

You didn’t punish me
For all the stupid things I did
Because You love me more than I know
And more than I can give

The Most Merciful
The Most Forgiving
Why has it taken me so long
To realise what I was missing?

You didn’t say a word
When I walked and went astray
For You just listened to my pain
And hoped I found myself again

And you always guided me
Through all the light
And through the rain
Back to your mercy
I remain. I remain.

You say You are what I think of You
And when I remember You
You remember me
If I mention You within myself
You mention me within Yourself

And if I draw near you the distance
Of a cubit, a hand span
You draw near to me the distance
Of two open wide arms

And as I walk to you
You run to me
The barriers of disbelief
Shatter until there is no me
And only then do I believe
That there is nothing in existence
Besides Your infinite Mercy.

"Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, said: My mercy excels My wrath."

It's Time

It's Time

The time has now come
To split the sea
To walk the one and only path
To success and victory

I've grown tired of games
And chasing the wrong fuel
When all the heart needs
Is pure love from You

Cleanse the lens
Polish the mirror
The reflection shines brightly
Of the Divine

The time has now come
To split the moon
To rectify the mistakes of youth
To journey back to You

From falsehood
To Manhood
From Single
To Slave

The pig and the dog
Will no longer be obeyed
Remove the veil of false idols
From the crystal of my heart

To see that there is only one to be
Worshipped from the start

The Lord of all hearts
The Lord of the worlds
The Lord of the universe
The Lord of love and compassion

The Lord of each boy and girl
The Lord of each sign and verse
The Lord of all action and reaction
It’s hard to fathom

But this journey can only begin
With acceptance
And surrender within

The time has now come
To rise from the dead
This heart is reborn
With the love of the Beloved.

                     لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا الله مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ الله