A soft exchange of hands
A smile, a hug, a kiss
#I am Muslim
A family sat together
Breaking fasts in evening bliss
#I am Muslim
A helping hand
A homeless man receives food when in distress
#I am Muslim
On my knees, hands held to the sky
Thankful for being blessed
#I am Muslim
At work make sure my duties
Are done to the utmost best
#I am Muslim
Stay awake throughout the night
Stand in worship rather than rest
#I am Muslim
Giving gifts to lovely neighbours
Sweet dates and pomegranates
#I am Muslim
Never hurt a tree or a bird
But rather provide a place for the nest
#I am Muslim
Wonder when God will take us home
Live in hope and loneliness
#I am Muslim
Loving those who've wronged me
By offering to forgive and forget
#I am Muslim
Putting my mother to sleep every night
In the comfort of her bed
#I am Muslim