Tuesday, 31 December 2013



For in my mind I see
A place beyond reality
The places that bring me great joy and happiness
The light of the sun
Always bringing a smile to my face
The warmth of friends
The comfort of love
Why is it that that certain place holds so many dear moments for me?

I look back at them with joy and thank the Lord for those memories.
But it’s because of those times that I am able to appreciate the present.
This current moment – filled with blessing and opportunity.
Filled with the same light and abundance as those joyous memories from the past

Inner peace it seems
Is not so far away after all.

Only You

Only You

I lost my self once
For this notion of love
I fell to its beauty
From the white clouds above
I gave into pleasure
I gave into pain
I lost myself once
But I got back up again

I found myself again 
I found freedom and light
I found peace and equality
And all things were right
I found You
But left myself behind
And thus I melt into you 
Like the clouds in the sky
When the rays of the sun shine upon them
Giving that heavenly glow
There is no longer I or me
Only You, my beloved Lord.

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

The Temple

The Temple

There are numbers I see that make me
Free beyond this physical being
For we are one
There is no me

The body is form
But the essence breathes
I return slowly
The source is beckoning

To You I belong
And where I am there You are
This journey is a quiet one
Diving deeper into the ether

The soul will live for eternity
The temple will soon crumble and decay
But the light that shines within its walls
Will glow bright now and forever more.


Friday, 22 November 2013

The Islamic Spiritual Path

The Two Dimensions of Islam

Islam is composed of two different dimensions.
The outer and the inner
The external and the internal
The form and the essence
The apparent and the spirit

Why is this important? Why do we need to know that there are these two different dimensions of Islam? What can it cost us if we fail to understand these two different dimensions?
One example of its importance can be found in the story of Iblis (Satan) – Iblis excelled in external practice. There is not a space in the world where he has not done sajdah. (Prostrated to God)  His physical Ibadah was untouchable. His core and fundamental mistake was that he had no internal development. He failed to serve the Lord internally.

Form does not constitute essence. This is the most critical mistake we make as Muslims nowadays.  Carrying out only the physical obligations does not constitute the spiritual state which is our ultimate goal.
External submitting means to adhere to Shariah; to pray, to fast and to do all of our normal obligations in order to carry out the external dimension of Islam.  How do we apply Islam internally in addition to the external dimension?

One critical mistake we often make is linking piety with the forms. If a Muslim is praying, wearing a hijab, growing a beard, dressing Islamically or reading the Quran – we equate these external forms with piety. The critical mistake we make is equating the essence with the form. And they are not often the same.

The reality of Islam is when it’s applied to both dimensions. Physically as well as spiritually. Externally as well as internally. The internal state is what is the most important. That is essential.  We can have the forms and in reality the forms are meant to give expression they’re meant to give form, they are meant to emerge from the inner state of Islam and to give us a way to communicate and express the internal dimension of Islam, but they cannot replace the internal dimension of Islam.

They cannot replace internal surrender.  One example being Salah (Prayer). The body goes through different motions when praying. The final point being a physical act of surrendering when the forehead is touching the ground.  But how do we feel inside?

Salah (Prayer) gains its power and meaning when the heart and soul is in a state of Islam. That is the perfection of the Islamic spiritual path and the perfection of Islam.
Over the last few decades Islam has become politicised due to the varying conflicts of the modern world whereas in history the spiritual path was always adhered to. Islam has lost its spirituality and therefore lost its soul.

What we've ended up with and few people are actually admitting it is the second age of ignorance. An age of total ignorance of what Islam truly is. We've lost the meaning and purpose of Islam. Even though we go through the forms and we talk about Islam, the results are very clear. Islam is not doing well on the superficial level in the world today and we see this horrible image portrayed of Islam and we have no one to blame but ourselves.

If MUSLIMS truly understood Islam and if we truly practised it in the way that it was meant to be practised we would have much better results.  Allah swt says “I do not change the condition of a people until they change it themselves”.

It is up to us to carry the true banner of Islam towards peace and enlightenment as it was meant to be carried. Muhammad (pbuh) said “there will come a day where nothing remains of Islam but its name.”
We are very likely in that day now. Where we talk about Islam and we hear about Islam but nobody understands the REALITY of Islam.

What is the reality of the Islamic spiritual path? Is it just a formal religion? Is it just this external code of conduct? Or is there something more to it? Is it an authentic path to enlightenment?  A real path to divine peace. To Human excellence. Is it a path to progress?  Are we as Muslims demonstrating that? This lack of understanding, this loss of understanding, now necessitates a second age of enlightenment, a second Islamic golden age and it’s on the horizon. I believe that we are beginning to wake up and we’re beginning to realise what Islam truly is, and we’re beginning to go back to its spiritual root, to its spiritual core and its essence. There is nothing more necessary now than a rediscovery of Islamic spirituality.

Let’s review what we have covered thus far. Islam is a gift, it is a divine gift from God.  And it was given to us for our benefit, you see Allah (swt) does not need anything from us, He doesn't need our worship, He doesn't need anything we can possibly offer or do, and He gave us Islam as a gift for US. And if we truly understand it and if we practice it properly, it begins to change every aspect of our lives, our spiritual lives as well as our practical lives. We can achieve a complete balanced experience of life through the Islamic spiritual path.

Adapted from the works of Brother Ihsan Torabi.
Full access to his works can be found here:http://www.islamicmeditation.com/main/
To see Brother Ihsan talk about this topic in detail himself please visit here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrAZQaYA3yw

May Allah bless his family and his loved ones for all his hard work and may we all wake up to an age of enlightenment.

Sunday, 17 November 2013



Through my art I hope to find
A place beyond this world of mine
The camera lens
The ink and pen
Will illustrate just
Who we are

The sweat that drips
Upon the steel
Bodies carved
For us to feel
Alive again
We burn like stars
A light in the dark
Between Venus and Mars

The Lost Diaries Part 5

Self Fulfilling Prophecy

It's a sad sad world that we’re living in
People around us consumed by their own sin
The strong eat the weak and the weak feed the strong
No wonder why all can’t get along

Brutal violence has poisoned our streets
And the drugs and guns and knives are there to feed 
This social image that the media believes in
And forcefully controls our minds to perceive 

Ourselves as gangsters
Ourselves as outcasts

And so the teachers too will point in the class
“You’ll be a lawyer, you’ll be a nun!”
“If you study hard boy you’ll be a rich business man”
“But you there lad, here take this gun”
“You’ll be the mistake that society learns to run from”

“And you there coloured boy, put down that book!”
“And pick up the trash and throw away your looks”
“For you will have no brain so put that in the bin too
And give up on school ‘cos I will give up on you”

And thus are born the children of the system
One with a degree
And the other with his fist on
The faces of our mothers and fathers in anger
For no one believed that he could do it so he gave up
And when the system lets you down
The streets will pick you up
The devil in your ear will give you want you want

A life of hatred and a life of crime
A life of fast money, drugs and grime
And before you know it you come across him
A man of the system now his soul lost within 

The city and his briefcase, his wallet and money
And you stare at his wealth 
He looks upon you funny
And doesn’t recognise you from the teachers class
Because he learned to step over you like broken glass

And so you pick up the shards that tore you apart
And put 1, 2 3 of them straight through his heart
For you yearned to be noticed and you yearned to shine
And now forever you will spend the rest of your time

In the darkest cells
The systems hell
To try and correct you to act real well

But if it weren’t for that self fulfilling prophecy
You could have held that brief case and smelt that money
But instead society turned its back on you
And the devil became your best friend too

So now it’s a sad sad world that you’re living in
Stuck in a hole, consumed by your sin
The strong eat the weak, but the weak poison the strong
No wonder why we all can’t get along.

The Lost Diaries Part 4

The Valley Of Pain

Through the valley of pain
My soul is in deep slumber
Yet my body writhes from the constant torture
A disease
A mind crippling disease.
That causes the body to suffer without ease.
Hairs turn white.
Eyes turn dark.
Nights become sleepless.
The days fly by without knowing what to keep holding on to.

The Lost Diaries Part 3


There are some matters that I need to get off my chest
In order to positively reinforce this stress
Without the blessings
The devil is taking the best of me
And riding me down the river of sin
Since adolescence 
Aint no second guessing
That these matters that are on my chest
Started in my chest
With feelings such as love
Then jealousy
But I digress
From the point at hand
And that is mentally and physically
I'm fading like the desert sand

The Lost Diaries Part 2

As I Lay Down My Head

As I lay down my head
I become lost in you
Become lost in this worship
I escape to my home
A moment of reality 
As I bow to my Lord
Hope that one day we can be 
Reunited for now
And forever more 

The Lost Diaries Part 1


The lost diaries are a set of incomplete poems that are yet to be published. 
They are words in its raw form, inspiration taken from dreams or the notepad I keep by my bed to write a few words when I wake during the night. These are unedited and not worked with due to lack of time or dying inspiration.

The ground was shaking
The wind was roaring
Snow fell so heavy
On a cold winters night
Explosions explosions
The helicopters flew right by
The planes were shot right to the ground
The war was over by the afternoon
The sky torn in two
As the sun began to rise from the other side.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Love Love Life

Keep your head up

Your presence is a present to the world.
You’re unique and one of a kind.
Your life can be what you want it to be.
Take the days just one at a time.

Don’t put limits on yourself.
So many dreams are waiting to be realized.
Decisions are too important to leave to chance.
Reach for your peak, your goal, your prize.

Nothing wastes more energy than worrying.
The longer one carries a problem, the heavier it gets.
Don’t take things too seriously.
Live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets.

Count your blessings, not your troubles.
You’ll make it through whatever comes along.
Within you are so many answers.
Understand, have courage, be strong.

Douglas Pagels

Saturday, 19 October 2013

The Nomad

Where do I belong?
In a world so full of people
With tables already set
For the groups that make this world

A nomad

Forever cursed to walk this earth alone
But I need a land of my own
A place where I can call home

I knock on doors
And eat with strangers
Drink with travellers
Sleep with angels

But I cannot shake this feeling of
Wanting to belong in a place of my own

A place where there are
Others like me
But I have yet to find this silent retreat

A nomad

Wondering this Earth alone
A wolf with no pack
And this howl is my song.

Monday, 7 October 2013

Better Days

Better Days

The late afternoon breeze
Brings a familiar scent
Great Britain it seems
Is just a fading memory

Those childhood moments
So deep inside my being
Make me feel a little more human

A past life
Of which I left behind
To pursue this dream of mine
To save the world one at a time

I aim high
But have lost the will to fly
I must find my wings again
So I may soar the starry sky

On the winds of faith
That bring me this familiar scent
This summer afternoon
Reminds me of what I want

The crow cries
As dusk is on its way
The stars will guide this path
For me to find a better day

Sunday, 6 October 2013

The Tree

Deep grooves define my complicated texture
As many run by, block by block
There is enough room
For cities to dwell
Within the grooves that define my texture

The intricate lines
Between space and time
Create artistry
Of the most sublime

The cracks and the caves
That wither away
As seasons pass by
It shows on my face

My hair starts to fade in colour and shape
And fall to the ground to be blown away
Then spring comes again
I feel so brand new

And as I take my first breath
I breathe life into you.

Saturday, 5 October 2013

The Gift

The Gift

There are many beauties in this world
To observe but a few
We use the eyes our Lord gave us
To seek the beauty in truth

We use our sense of smell
To navigate between two worlds
And we use our sense of touch
To feel the wonders of the Earth

We use our sense of taste
To give thanks for the sweetness of fruits and dates
And we use our ears to listen
To the words you have bestowed upon us

For in recitation and silence
Reverie and melody
I find you
And it is there I want to be

I cannot part this world to see you
And not bear any gifts
But you own my heart my soul my love
So what is there for me to give?

Except my Ruh
To you.

Friday, 4 October 2013

Why is it?

Why is it?

Why is it that you captivate what I give to you so willingly?

Why is it that my heart tears through my chest every time we meet?

Why is it that no matter who I see you’ll always be the one and only?

Why is it, that if that’s the case, you’re so far away from me?



It goes from zero to one to two to three
The digital code sent from above
A direct message for me to decipher 
Sent with blessings and love

The critical connection
Between me and He
Is evidential in this spiritual dream
But you gotta open your eyes
Before you visualise 
True elevation 

My soul’s in a purgatorial state
Cleaning the filth to make a new slate
For his message to be written
On the flesh of my heart
And deep inside the wound 
The process starts

Self believing 

Heavenly sent words for the masses
But the media is full of opinionated bastards
Who criticize the words of the Educator 

The king of all the worlds 
The facilitator

The most beneficial and trustworthy
The innovator

The most kind and caring
The protector

The most understanding
Not a rejecter

Unlike my heart in this anger
This feeling of need 
Is amplified by 
This hunger and greed

Man I'm thirsty
For a sip of eternity
To quench this heat
Inside the cold streets

For the ground shakes beneath
But still no one believes 
And that’s why I'm here to 
Take these words to the preachers
To take these words to the streets
To take these words to the schools
To take these words to the government
To take these words to the fools
To take these words to my ego
And let it soak in purgatory
While I expiate these sins
From these eyes within me.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

The Cave of Her Heart

How much of the past do we care about?
The few words spoken
That cut deeper than any blade of man
To wound not only the heart
But the soul and all it encompasses
This everlasting pain
Many years down the line
Even after the words have long disappeared on the wind
Yet the echo remains in the cave of her heart

I must defeat these ghosts
Rid her of the demons that keep her from smiling
Break through the fear that controls her heart
Let her confidence flow rather than her tears
Let her smile brighten the land around
And bring life once again to the cave of her heart

For many have been wounded
By the ghosts of their past
And until we learn to let go
To rise above the doubt
We will never succeed
I've fought the battle of recognition for far too long to let her do it alone
So I draw my shield to protect her
From the past
So that her smile can shine again
And last, in the cave of her heart.

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Paint The World

Paint The World

Pastel colours
Dip into the paper
The fading shades of a dream portrayed

The oil paints scream loud to no avail
Expressing love and hurt and pain

The pencil, black and grey at times
Shows a colourless world with finer detail

The ink on the brush is all that's left
to complete the image inside my mind

My minds eye
My fingertips soaked from creating
My minds repertoire on display for
the world to gaze in vain.

This genius portrayed
through the honour of He
who provided the ink and the slate.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013


Your peace surrounds me
Your love embraces me

The sweet caring touch of the wind that rolls by
The beauty of your words soothe my heart

Your forgiveness and mercy are always there for me

I do not deserve this
But I'm grateful...so grateful...
for the experience and for the lessons learned.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Embrace Art

I'm artistic can't deny it
The more I suppress
The less I can hide it
These colours seep right through me
While I weep
The tears of expression
Bleed into space
And the universe can hear my cry
For eternity

A king without nation
A poet without pen
Da Vinci without his hands
Is unimaginable torture to men
So without these words I find
That I'm so lost so

So empty yet filled to the rim
And this art is my pen
My life is the ink from which I rely on
To soak the pages with reality and fantasy
But once in a while the truth is portrayed
Through the tear drops that bleed
Into the page
And ripple through the ink of life
To illustrate this pain and strife.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

The Colours of Love

The colours of love

Love comes to us in many forms
For me they are but colours from the palette of life.

The love of friendship flows green like the grass
As we lay side by side
Or run through it bare foot with the wind in our hair
Not a worry in the world.

The love of family glows deep and blue
Like the sky above
Watching over us and protecting us
The soothing cool comfort
Of your close ones.

The love of your partner
Shines pink in the moonlight.
A sweet kind of love that makes the heart dance in your chest.
The more it dances the deeper it becomes.
Then in a moment of passion it flushes into red and embraces all the feelings of the soul that cannot be expressed by word.

The love of God, shines pure and white.
Like the clouds that float above us or the reflection of the sunlight
That shimmers across the vast ocean.
A love so bright that you cannot set your eyes upon it, but you feel its warmth, its comfort, its pureness and its wonder.

The colours of love make up our lives.
Use the palette you have to paint a world of love for yourself. Experience and embrace all the life and colour around you. Be artistic, be creative, be love.

Forever yours <3 Thank you for opening my world to so much colour.

Friday, 30 August 2013

The Beast

I die one death
But the memory sticks
Then I rise from the ashes spread over the water
River phoenix
This soul decayed way too far
To be restored by love
So run as far as you can
The beast has fallen from above
And now roams wild
Tearing through the lands
Eating hearts
Then disappearing like quick sand
This quick plan of mine
To restore this life
Seems so far away
To grasp the light
So I accept the beast is me
And abolish my pain
Tears turn to power
And I'm flying again.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

The Wolf

Talking to the moon
Asking why I haven’t won yet
But the answer still remains
Unclear unlike the night sky
The mystical moon
Gleaming from the ether
The answer lies in the cracks
Of his withered face
One day she will realise
That she lost out on all from up above
But he remains completely still
Unfazed by this requiem of love
So as I question his authority
His magnetic pull
Withdraws me
Into silent yet deadly reverie
I gasp while the wolf within me breaks free
And hunts down the sun at every dusk
To devour it before he rises from his slumber
And has dominion over the night sky
Until the flaming star rises again.
And the beast is no more.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Fortified Disposition

Fortified disposition
Love is art
But this art is missing
Hit the pencils against the canvas
Paint the world with this lyrical prowess
But I digress
From the point at hand
And that is art is love
But this love is missing
Without two parts this love is missing
Without the mind and the heart
This love is missing
Without the struggle and pain
This love is missing
Without spiritual and physical and lyrical gain
This love is missing
Without friendships, hardships
This love is missing
Without fireworks in the dark
This love is missing
Without guidance from the heart
This love is missing
So let’s be grateful for who we are
And quit the dissing
Take the brush to the world
Implement this mission
Express yourself
Embrace your fortified disposition.

Friday, 16 August 2013

The Prologue

The Prologue

I guess I need this space in time
To ventilate what’s on my mind
And flush out all negativity
To produce a better freer me,
Who does not need the shackles of society
To control the way I choose to be
So fuck the haters and control freaks
For trying to kill the boy in me
Poetry is a part of me
So eat these words and swallow seeds
Of wisdom, bliss, eternity
Let the words fill your cerebrum
Take these metaphors to the eyes and while you read them
Appreciate that art is pain
And in my pain these words find life again.
So let the pain breathe through the spirit of me
And let these words be
My heart’s final symphony.
Long awaited, much diverted, totally avoided, blessing and a curse.
These words will be the saviour of me
So I’ll give them all to you before I ride the hearse.
Destiny: Eternity.
Wait for me my beloved queen.

This is dedicated to life…for giving me so much to write about.
So look forward to the tale that I spin in verse.
And give credit to the Lord for directing this curse.

Devil on my back

So I got the devil on my back trying to bring me down
Yet when I bow down he woes to me wow
Because the jealousy is eminent, and prominently evident
and envy follows ignorance
But I can’t seem to shake the fact
That every sheikh and hat sitting with a beard thinks that he knows
The true meaning of "you reap what you sow" and thus
Confusion and disbelief grows.

A doubtful mind is dangerous mind
Like a rookie killer with two targets in sight
Not knowing which life to spare and which to take
So he takes his own and thus he crumbles
Under the weight of...

The devil on his back bringing him down
Because when he goes down there aint no climbing out
Of the dark pit of pitiful, sinful souls
How’d he get down there? Nobody knows…
Well I know and I aint going down too
So the only time I'm on my knees is to find you
To seek guidance in this dark and rain
To fulfil a purpose that I grow to gain
An understanding of step by step
But with this devil on my back it’s hard to progress

Cos the stairway to heaven is long and hard
But the path to hell is laden with stars
And my dreams and hopes are all on this track
But it’s up to me to take my life back
And run this train through the gates of hell
Through the pitiful hole of souls that sell
Their bodies and minds for money and time
But I hold onto this wisdom of mine

And know not to therefore lie on my stomach
For he will ride this temple down under
But instead to soar straight through the skies
Until the sun melts the tears in his demon eyes
And he falls to the ground with humility
And prostrates to God, just like me.


I see things in my dreams
That I cannot explain to thee
For fear of the truth being leaked
From a world we cannot see

Only recently
The sky lit up
With many falling stars
That just kept falling

And as I drove between cities at night
The sky lit up
The shadows of clouds
Loomed over mankind
And a fear struck my heart
Of a spiritual kind
For I’d seen these visions in a dream
In a world we cannot see.

The Hermit

The Hermit

I dwell apart
From the world of men.

I lift my eyes
To the mighty hills,
And sit in silent reverie
By rushing streams.
My songs
Are the whisperings of the winds
And the soft murmurs
Of falling rain.

Blossoms open
And flutter to earth again.
Men come
Men go ;
Year follows year,
And life goes on.

China, 18th Century
Hsu Pen

Monday, 12 August 2013

Don't love me

Why do I spend my life
Waiting for replies
Waiting for signs
Waiting for a message
Just to hear that you’re alright

It kills me inside
To never hear what’s on your mind
I live day to day
Staring at this cell phone
Eyes are strained
From trying to tear them away

And never knowing what’s inside
Never knowing what’s on your mind
Cos I’m an English boy
And I can’t seem to understand
Yeah I’m an English boy
So instead of keeping quiet, just hold my hand

And let me feel what you’re feeling inside
Let me hear the beating of your heart
Let me feel your love surrounding me
But never let me hear you love me
Never let me hear you love me
Never let me hear you love me
And just love me in your own way.

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Let me be...

Let me be...

Let it start off dark, mostly night,
And one day let my darkness bring someone light,
I gladly go through it all for the purpose of a lesson,
That will hopefully turn out to be a blessing,
No second guessing,
Let me be an example of how strong His love is,
And to never put anything above His, 'cause what if,
It wasn't unconditional, then what would we do,
If He did how we do,
We know we wasn't supposed to do the things
That we did but we did 'em,
And if that wasn't bad enough then we hid 'em,
But you saw it all, So we only lie to ourselves
Help us, save us from hell,
Let me be!

(Dmx - Let me be your angel)

Saturday, 27 July 2013

I Lose Myself

I lose myself

I don’t know why I lose myself
In worldly desire
Yes lose
Because there is no winning in sin
Yet I lose myself in
The bliss of a moment’s pleasure

A sacrifice I slowly make
Giving up what’s mine for the taking
Yet I lose myself
Am I just faking?

Am I a hypocritical internet scholar?
Who preaches to the masses yet cannot follow
Himself or his ego that rebels inside
I lose myself to these feelings inside

And until I pray to change the conditions of this heart of mine
The evil one will rule this temple until I die.

Monday, 22 July 2013

The Human Body

The Human Body 

A flawless structure with many fine details that are still yet to be discovered.  Scientists engaged in research using today’s advanced technology obtained astonishing results concerning the human body. One of these dealt with the tissues in the body.

Living tissues contain 26 different elements. 6 of these are the most common; carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur. These basic elements represent 95% of all tissues, this in turn represents important scientific evidence of the information revealed in the Quran.

The creation of man out of clay. The building blocks that constitute almost all the human body are present in the soil either in free or compound forms. The first human being was created by God who shaped clay into human form and breathed the soul into it.

This miraculous event is described in the Quran:

Behold, thy Lord said to the angels: "I am about to create man from clay: "When I have fashioned him (in due proportion) and breathed into him of My spirit, fall ye down in prostration to him." (Surah Sad :71-72)

In another verse God tells us that: We created man from an extract of clay. (Surah Al-muminun: 12)

The word translated as extract in the verse means representative example or essence. The information revealed in the Quran 1400 years ago confirms what modern science tells us; the fact that the same elements are employed in human creation as those found in the soil.

99 Names - Al-Malik


الله Allah
Who is Allah? (Part 3)

And so the journey begins to understanding the One by looking at each of the 99 names in detail with reference to the Quran and life the Prophet (pbuh)

The first name I wish to examine is Al-Malik

The Sovereign Lord, He who is the absolute king of the entire universe. 
Other translations include:

The Owner
The Ruler
The King
The Sovereign

 What one can gather from this name is that the One possess an extremely high status and is a Ruler, a King of all of his creations. Couple this with the beautiful meanings of Ir-Rahman and Ir-Rahim and we find that this King, and Ruler, is a Kind and Merciful one, who owns all and never ceases to shower his creation with his overflowing abundance of kindness and mercy.

Al-Malik appears in the Quran three times. Let us examine each area of occurrence and look at the context in which this name appears for us. The first occurrence is in Surah Al-Hashr, 59:23

Allah is He, than Whom there is no other god;- the Sovereign, the Holy One, the Source of Peace (and Perfection), the Guardian of Faith, the Preserver of Safety, the Exalted in Might, the Irresistible, the Supreme: Glory to Allah! (High is He) above the partners they attribute to Him.

As you can see from this verse the name is also coupled with a few others which will we talk about later but the main thing is that it is not just a King or a Sovereign that is being mentioned, it is one who is a Source of Peace and a Guardian above all. 

The next occurrence of Al-Malik is in Surah Ta-ha, 20:114

High above all is Allah, the King, the Truth! Be not in haste with the Qur'an before its revelation to thee is completed, but say, "O my Lord! advance me in knowledge."

Here the name Al-Malik is coupled with an interesting concept. The truth. A King, or Owner of Truth. The remainder of the verse/sign (Ayat) states that this Owner of Truth must also be an Owner of Knowledge, as one must ask for knowledge in order to receive it. This is an interesting concept as it links not only Sovereignty of the entire universe as well as being the most Merciful but it also connects Truth and Knowledge with Ownership and Rule. 

The last and final occurrence of Al-Malik in the Quran is in Surah Al-Mu'minun, 23:116. 

Therefore exalted be Allah, the King, the Reality: there is no god but He, the Lord of the Throne of Honour!

This last reference almost completes our image of a King, one who is seated on a Throne of Honour.
The Owner of Truth, Provider of Knowledge, whose Mercy is boundless and who is enshrouded in Honour.
One more very interesting concept is that the name Al-Malik here is also accompanied by the phrase "the Reality", meaning that this wonderful being is not a fairy tale King, but a real one. 

InshAllah this journey will continue examining the other names while looking at the Quran and making comments. However I must add that my comments and opinions here are only my own and the word of God prevails above all. I hope InshAllah that I am able to convey a vivid and poetic image for you through my study to bring you closer to the One that you seek.

Peace and blessings to all x

Sunday, 21 July 2013

The Time


By (the Token of) Time (through the ages),

Verily Man is in loss,

Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy.

Surat 103

The Night of Power or Honour


We have indeed revealed this (Message) in the Night of Power:

And what will explain to thee what the night of power is?

The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.

Therein come down the angels and the Spirit by Allah's permission, on every errand:

Peace!...This until the rise of morn!

Surat 97

The Night

Surat Al-Layl 

By the Night as it conceals (the light);
By the Day as it appears in glory;
By (the mystery of) the creation of male and female;-
Verily, (the ends) ye strive for are diverse.

So he who gives (in charity) and fears (Allah),
And (in all sincerity) testifies to the best,-
We will indeed make smooth for him the path to Bliss.

But he who is a greedy miser and thinks himself self-sufficient,
And gives the lie to the best,-
We will indeed make smooth for him the path to Misery;
Nor will his wealth profit him when he falls headlong (into the Pit).

Verily We take upon Ourselves to guide,
And verily unto Us (belong) the End and the Beginning.
Therefore do I warn you of a Fire blazing fiercely;
None shall reach it but those most unfortunate ones
Who give the lie to Truth and turn their backs.

But those most devoted to Allah shall be removed far from it,-
Those who spend their wealth for increase in self-purification,
And have in their minds no favour from anyone for which a reward is expected in return,
But only the desire to seek for the Countenance of their Lord Most High;
And soon will they attain (complete) satisfaction.

Surat 92

The Sun

Surat Ash-Shams

By the Sun and his (glorious) splendour;

By the Moon as she follows him;

By the Day as it shows up (the Sun's) glory;

By the Night as it conceals it;

By the Firmament and its (wonderful) structure;

By the Earth and its (wide) expanse:

By the Soul, and the proportion and order given to it;

And its enlightenment as to its wrong and its right;-

Truly he succeeds that purifies it.


Monday, 15 July 2013



He created us in pairs
To find comfort in each other
To look past our imperfections
So that we may love one another

You are my garment
You protect me from the cold
When I shiver from the wind
Your hand is always there to hold

And although you may not believe
In God, who created we
The beauty of your soul
Shimmers brighter than the sea

For your beauty is reason enough
For me to believe in the One
The sparkle in your eyes
From the land of the rising sun

His beauty and his mercy
All shine to me through you
And that is why my heart is full
Of peace when I'm with you

For you are my garment. 
You cover me from up above
You wrap me so gently in the smallest of forests
In his mercy and his love. 

“It is He who created you from a single soul, And made its mate of like nature in order that you might dwell with her in love....” (7:189)

Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim.

الله Allah

Who is Allah? (Part 2)

To continue with understanding the One, let us have a look at the phrase
Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim.

In order to analyse the deeper meaning behind this, let us break down the phrase into it's three elements and study each of those. This will help us understand the meaning of the phrase as a whole and take us one step closer to understanding the moral ethics of Allah.Brother Wahiduddin  has done such amazing work on this topic that there is not much I can further add. For the purpose of sharing information I will quote and summarise his work however I highly recommend reading his article for yourselves in order to get a full understanding of this concept.

He has broken down the phrase into three different segments and has looked at each one in its literal, idiomatic and poetic sense in order to fully understand and grasp the meaning behind this. 

He looks at the two moral attributes of the One, Rahman and Rahim in detail.


The term rahman describes that aspect of the source of all creation which is endlessly radiating, endlessly nourishing, regardless of who or what is receiving the endless flow of blessings.

Rahmân conveys the idea of fullness and extensiveness, indicating the great quality of love and mercy which engulfs all of creation without regard to any effort or request on our part.

According to Ibn Qayyum (1350 AD), rahmân describes the quality of abounding Grace which is inherent in and inseparable from the Almighty.


On the other hand, the term rahim describes that aspect of the source which is issued forth only in response to the actions and behaviour of the recipient. It is in this manner that God takes ten steps toward us when we take even a single step toward God.

Rahîm conveys the idea of constant renewal and giving liberal reward in response to the quality of our deeds and thoughts.

According to Ibn Qayyum (1350 AD), rahîm expresses the continuous manifestation of the Grace in our lives and its effect upon us as a result of our own activities."

He follows and concludes by illustrating some poetic comments and verses on the topic which I found to be extremely enlightening as this is a phrase which we as Muslims use on daily basis, before doing any activity.

"There is no way for any one translation to capture the many facets of this beautiful phrase Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim. Here are some poetic renderings that attempt to capture some aspects of the meaning without being literal translations:

With every breath that we breathe, may we be act on behalf of the Divine Presence,  the Source of all that we receive. 

With every step that we take, may we be instruments of the One Light which guides us, the Source and Nourisher of all of creation.

Every moment of this life is filled with your eternal radiance my Beloved, You are the Beneficent One who endlessly showers all of creation with nourishment and blessings, and the One who generously rewards those who live in harmony with Your Divine Will."

"ir rahman ir rahim:

Rahman points toward the Beneficent One whose endless outpouring of love and mercy are continually showered upon all of creation, while Rahim points toward the Merciful One whose love and mercy are manifested in that which is received as the consequence of one's deeds.

So, the phrase ir rahman ir rahim is a recognition and honoring of the very source of all existence, the source of all blessings, the source of all compassion, the source of all mercy who gives endlessly to us and who also responds according to our moral integrity, our harmony with all of creation and our love of Allah."

This phrase alone is enough to give us an insight into the concept of Allah. And the first attributes we find are love, mercy, honour, moral integrity and harmony. The fact that almost every chapter of the Quran begins with this phrase serves as a reminder to us that these are the strongest and most pinnacle attributes of Allah. Isn't it wonderful to know that the Lord whom I seek is One of Love, Mercy and Honour?

However the journey to understanding Allah with me is only beginning. To quote an Hadith:

Narrated Abu Huraira: Prophet Muhammad SAW said, “Allah has ninety-nine names, i.e. one-hundred minus one, and whoever knows them will go to Paradise.”

Sahih Al-Bukhari – Book 50 Hadith 894

And so with these 99 names my journey begins, to understand and embrace each one and to take one step at a time to get closer to the One.

Know thy heart

Know thy heart

Know thy heart
Do not deny it the purpose 
Of its creation

Fill it with the love of one
Who filled you with his love
A heart is a sanctuary 
For all you believe in

So take the key of faith
Hold it firmly 
Say a prayer
And unlock your chest 

For verily in the remembrance of God do hearts find rest. (13:28)

Spiritual Elevation


The mysteries of the universe
All solved with one
Poetic verse
The distance between space and time
Are relevant inside this mind

As I close my eyes and fall into
The deep abyss of the dreaming state
I feel all kinds of feelings too
Like love and friendship, envy, hate

But when these big eyes open up
The fear is left behind
For the dream is just an illusion
Of a reality that we can’t seem to find

Without opening our hearts to the glory of God
And realising that our soul was created for him
His being is one we can’t comprehend
So we strive and struggle to search within

But we must first topple our egos
The demons that try
To destroy our path to one
By injecting our minds with these lies

And once we defeat the demon inside
The Devil can no longer whisper
His thoughts into our minds

And thus we elevate into a spiritual dimension
Understood by some
Who forget to mention

That this state of elevation is a sign of the struggle
That our souls undertake to burst from the bubble

Of this vessel that we are trapped in
The heaven is waiting for us
So close your eyes

And remember that to Allah you belong
Remember that to Allah you will return,

Remember that this world is just a dream

Now open your eyes and read!



The Birds Whisper

The birds whisper
Food is here
As provision falls from the hand of man
So who feeds man?
If we provide for those that fly
Then a Splendid One
Must provide for those
Who stand firm under the sky

Love thy Lord

Love thy Lord
From being in a state
Of worry and loss
My heart finds content
In the words of my Lord

His loves lets me see
The beauty of mankind
My arrogance falls
In prostration

Soul calmed
Chest filled with light
Love all around
This beautiful night